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Name: Mina
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Eyes Colour: Purple
Likes: Plushies, & cute animals especially Fred
Dislikes: Being bored, lonely, & bullies
Fears: Bugs & mice
Weapons: None
Personality: Cheerful, playful, caring, loving, & shy
Mina was born into a poor family on Renn Village. She learned from an early age to take care of herself when her parents were not around. However, she feels lonely and bored because she cannot afford to buy pets for keeping her company and playing with. She goes out of her way to look for interesting things in the forest. It was there where she met Fred, the Wolf Rookie. She nicknamed him - “Freddie” or “Wolfie”
She is very happy whenever she has him with her as a puppy pet because he’s a cute wolf boy. Thus, she tied him up for making sure he won’t attack her or run away. Besides, she really enjoys watching him wiggling, nuzzling and playing with him, especially touching his fluffy tail and wolf ears (Which are very sensitive to Fred) Somehow, she has fallen in love with him.
As for Fred, he is afraid of her at times. He finds it difficult to fulfill her requests when tied up. Anyway, she doesn’t seem to be a bad person and treats him well. So, he is trying his best to make her happy until her parents come home.
Updated 17th November 2020: 1 year later, she is Hunter Rookie because she wants to be just like Fred for freedom and be independent from her isolation.