Before wearing fursuit

Wear balaclava or ski mask or something for your hair to prevent your eyes and sweating. No worries, eva foam head bucket won't smelly.
For arms and hands, wear spandex clothes and gloves.

Please buy portable fan from shop, shopping online or etc for your air or need cool through your muzzle for your health. Otherwise, you will sweating and faint if you stays too long.

There are two methods -
A) You have to hold a portable fan all the time.
B) It's easily way to wear a portable fan with clip lanyard (Your old badge)
WARNING: Please do not go outside under the sun too long, it will spoil furs so badly.
- DRINK WATER: You have to drink alot of mineral water to stay hydrated.
- YOUR VISION: After you remove your fursuit head, your vision might be hard focus properly, just calm down and it will back to normal for a few second, then have some drink and fresh air for a while.
- SMARTPHONE: If you wear paws, you cannot type or take a pic because fur won't response your phone. That's why you have to wear paws glove and you can take it off and put them on anytime.
Jaw Moving Methods

- Normal talk is barely notice. If you use wide open mouth, jaw will open. But don't do wide open mouth too long because your mouth is tiring, haha.
- If it doesn't work, use other method as you see my drawing on the left.
- If it doesn't work at all, I'm sorry that it's all I can do. My head measure is smaller than yours so I tried for jaw moving but cannot reach my chin... ;w;
- I used my jaw-moving method is "B"
Storage Fursuit

- I put my fursuit set in the cloth bag and in the box. And my other fursuit I put on the surface and covering with plastic bag for prevent from dusts.
- You can put your fursuit set in the luggage bag, cupboard or storage box in a dry, cool and clean area away from moisture, pets and harsh light.
Travel Bags

- I've never experience to bring my fursuit to travel oversea before. If you were worry, I'd suggesting you to ask your friends who had this experience before.
- I would recommended this big cloth bag (Height: 50cm x Width: 40cm) for your fursuit set with wrapped up in plastic bag or trash bag.
- Don't put plastic bag at heat area because it would melt all over your fursuit.
- You can use Luggage Bag but becareful with muzzle and ears because they are sensitive. Put soft clothes on top of fursuit's head and under fursuit's neck.
- Make sure don't let rain drops on your fursuit.
- Keep in mind that you don't squish them so hard.
- Youtube links from fursuiters as example:
Fursuit's Ear is Bend

- Uh-oh! Ear is bend?! What should I do?! Ah, don't worry so much.
Ears are made of Eva foam, felt and furs. You can push/pull to straight it up.
Claw is broken!

- If one of your claws' ring is broken and I couldn't fix it in person, you can fix it on your own. Use hot glue gun - little drip on furs around the claw so it won't come off. Don't worry so much if not nice, I don't think people noticed it because they are just focus on your nice fursuit head than your paws.
- If claws are broken completely, you can ask me to get another new one but you have to pay for it with shipping cost. Or you can remove them all so no worries about claws anymore and have fun with furries and non-furries.
Thread is come off

- If sew thread is come off and I'm too far away from your home or cannot make it to event, you can learn sewing basic by yourself by look at my drawing on the left - Sewing Basic. Or you can ask your friend whose good at sewing ^^
- If you feel want me to repair it, you can meet me or send it to my house, but you have to pay fees - repair, transport's fee and shipping cost.
How to clean your fursuit head

- Use tissues to cover eyes, use little soap + cold water on small sponge, squeeze it and wash on fur slowly.
- Use tissue/cloth to dry them up.
- You can use dog brush on furs slow and gently.
- You can spray them with Fabric Deodrizer from Daiso.
- Do not recommend Febreeze spray on furs. (except inside of head balaclava or ski mask)
- Do not bath fursuit head in washing machine or bath tub.
- Here's tips of cleaning Fursuit: